Happy Diwali
Happy Diwali

Diwali Customs and Significance and Traditions

उद्वर्तनं कफहरं मेदसः प्रविलापनम्।
स्थिरीकरणम् अङ्गानां त्वक् प्रसादकरं परं॥

Next, Udwartan ( *Dry Body Scrub*) is also one of the rituals followed in Diwali festival.

   According to Ayurved, Udvartan should also be one of the Daily regimen followed by Abhyang. 

   This helps in reducing excess Kaph dosh. Liquefies and mobilizes morbid Fat / adipose tissue. Thus reduces fat and helps in weight loss. 

   It provides stability to the body and rejuvenates and improves the skin complexion thus improves skin glow. 

   It helps the skin get rid of dead cells and improves blood circulation and restores youth by inducing freshness.

  The ubatan is raja-dominant and associated with the absolute rire element. It thus bestows the body with good energy, along with curbing other skin-related problems.

Dr. Kanchan S. Khachane
Dr. Kanchan S. Khachane
B.A.M.S. (Ayurvedacharya)